In the last post we outlined three
more ways you can work on maximizing your current resources. They included:
· Revealing the soul of your business
· Breaking even to breaking the bank
· Standing up and standing out
Today we’ll highlight the final three
areas you can work on to maximize your current resources. They are:
· Presenting an offer they can’t refuse
· Upselling: “Would you like fries with that?”
· Avoiding the edge of the cliff
Presenting An
Offer They Can’t Refuse
One of the secrets to success is remaining
ahead of your competitors to maintain a competitive edge. In order to
accomplish this, you need to make it easier for your customers and/or clients
to say “yes” rather than “no”. This can be achieved by eliminating all the
psychological, financial, physical, emotional and other roadblocks they present
You can eliminate perceived risks for
your customers and/or clients by offering warranties and guarantees that make them
feel more confident in you, your business and your products and/or services.
You must be serious about your offer and prepared to honor it in the event that
your customer is unsatisfied with a product and/or service. The quickest way to
the bottom is by playing games and not honoring your promises with your
customers and/or clients.
Upselling: “Would
You Like Fries With That?”
Upselling is the oldest trick in the
book. Honestly, how many times a week do you fall for it? Every time you sell a
product or service, you should be offering an add-on, upgrade or back-end
product to go with that initial sale. In order for this strategy to be
successful, the products must be complementary to the original product being
purchased and must create an overall higher perceived value to your customer.
Avoiding the
Edge of the Cliff
Continuing to test and measure your
systems, products, marketing methods and all other aspects of your business
allows you to see problems before they arise, and ultimately, avoid falling off
the edge of the proverbial cliff.
Here are some specific areas you can explore
for potential improvements:
· Marketing;
· Sales Copy;
· Customer Service;
· Sales Letters;
· Sales Presentations;
· Employee-Customer Interaction.
By examining these different areas,
you may find prices of products and/or services that should be increased,
others that should be lowered or offered as an incentive, and even some other
key areas in need of improvement to
better utilize your current resources.
This wraps up our series on how to
maximize on your current resources. Please reach out to me if you need
assistance with any of these strategies.